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Transcripts: Governing Body Updates

2024 Governing Body Update 4 (17:28)

In this update, we will consider how brothers and sisters who are imprisoned for their faith “keep conquering the evil with the good.” Romans 12:21.

Transcript: 2024 Governing Body Update #4

(Samuel F Herd. Governing Body)
Samuel: Welcome! In this program, we will update you on the situation of our brothers and sisters around the world who are imprisoned for their faith. But first, here’s an update about this year’s convention. In some parts of the world, the “Declare the Good News!” Regional Conventions are now underway. It’s a beautiful program. Let’s hear from a few who recently attended.
(Crowds walk through stadium entrance)
(Floyd and Sheri Brainard. United States)
Floyd: A lot of the friends have made incredible sacrifices to support the convention here.
(The Webb Family. United States)
Webb, Husband: Well, I had to negotiate time off of work.
(The Sarabia Family. Mexico)
Sarabia, Husband: We also had to ask for leave from school.
(The Dejesus Family. United States)
Dejesus, Husband: We got up really early.
(Arturo and Rosario Campos. Mexico)
Arturo: Every effort you make is definitely worth it.
(Friends hug)
You can’t put a price on being here. We get to see brothers that we don’t often get to see.
(Frank and Susan Surawski. United States)
Susan: Also, when you’re here, you get the hugs. I love hugs.
(The Person Family. United States)
Person, Husband: A virtual hug is OK. A real hug is better.
Alalazu and Sandra Ugoji. United States)
Sandra: There’s a big difference between being here in person and watching online.
(Sisters hold handmade welcome sign)
Brother Voice 1: It’s so much more alive.
(Crowd stands and sings)
Sister Voice 1: I love the singing.
Brother Voice 2: There’s a power that resonates from the audience when we’re all singing together.
(Esteban Hernández. Mexico)
Esteban: That really strengthens us and gives us a boost. Also, it’s been incredible that we get to see Episode 1 of The Good News According to Jesus.
Brother Voice 3: The next time you do your Bible reading, you really can picture these beautiful moments and see how important they were.
(George JR. and Marianne Stewart. United States)
George: What impressed me is that I’ve read all of those verses that were highlighted and never ever, not one time, did I get emotional. But it brought it to life today, and I did get emotional.
(Video plays on large screen. Mother and young daughter hug as they watch the screen)
Sister Voice 2: You feel like you’re there.
(Mother hugs child as they watch)
(Jesús Frausto. Mexico)
Jesús: These spiritual feasts enrich us and strengthen us spiritually.
(Daniel and Jael Álvarez. Mexico)
Jael: I think I want to come to this convention three or four times.
(David and Carol Polidoro. United States)
David: For me, there’s no better place than being among a group of Jehovah’s people. Every time I’m reminded of what a beautiful, huge spiritual family we’re a part of.
Brother Voice 4: It brings us so much joy to be with our brothers and sisters!”
(Audience smiles and clap)
Sister Voice 3: You just don’t want to miss it.
Samuel F Herd: We encourage all of you to endeavor to attend the convention in person. By doing so, you will not only benefit from the program but also receive much encouragement from associating with many dear friends, perhaps even some whom you haven’t seen for some time. Of course, we understand that those limited by age and health may have to tune in to the streaming program. This year, a real highlight will be the 15 special conventions that are scheduled.
(Photo: Aerial view of stadium)
The first was held on the weekend of June 7-9 on the island of Guadeloupe.
(Photo: Stadium filled with people)
Brothers Jeff Winder and Clive Martin had the privilege to serve the convention.
(Photos of Jeff Winder and Clive Martin speaking into a microphone)
Delegates came from 11 lands,
(Photo: A sister holds a multi-language welcome sign. Another sister shapes her hands into a heart. Both with big smiles)
and there was a peak attendance of 8,602.
(Photo: Three happy sisters hug and pose for a selfie photo)
On Saturday, 74 were baptized.
(Photo: A boy emerges from the water after being baptized. A man prepares to be baptized)
We rejoice to see the love and unity of our international brotherhood!
(Photos: Various sisters embrace)
Now, for the rest of this program, we want to update you on the situation of our brothers and sisters who are imprisoned for their faith. This will help all of us to follow the wise direction at Hebrews 13:3, which says: Keep in mind those in prison, as though you were imprisoned with them, and those being mistreated, since you yourselves also are in the body.” As of June 17, there are over 199 brothers and sisters imprisoned for their faith. Where are they? There are 9 imprisoned in Crimea, 39 in Eritrea, 8 in Singapore, and over 17 in other lands. The largest number of imprisoned brothers and sisters is in Russia, where there are 126. What about South Korea? Although our brothers there are no longer routinely imprisoned for neutrality, they’re enduring a harsh form of alternative service. They’re required to serve for three years and to live and work exclusively in prisons.
(Group Photo of Brothers smiling in prison uniform. Group photo of brothers and sisters smiling)
Brother Mark Sanderson recently visited two groups of brothers at prisons where they’re carrying out their alternative service. We hope that this situation will improve in the future. And we continue to pray for these faithful brothers and their families. Sometimes we might think that only brothers are imprisoned around the world. But we actually have 12 sisters in Eritrea who are in prison for their faith. And there are eight sisters in Russia who are in prison because of their faith.
(Collage of photos of 20 sisters)
These dear sisters need our continued prayers. Also, many brothers and sisters are enduring long prison sentences and, at times, even physical mistreatment. This was recently the case for Brother Rinat Kiramov in Russia.
(Photo of happy Kiramov couple)
In April 2024, several prisoners demanded that our brother reveal the names of other Jehovah’s Witnesses.
(Photo of brother Rinat Kiramov behind bars)
But he courageously refused! In turn, the prisoners beat and tortured him for four days, even using a taser. We continue to pray for Brother Kiramov and all 199 brothers and sisters who are imprisoned for their faith. And we don’t forget their families either. The faith and integrity of our imprisoned brothers and sisters remind us of the words of Romans 12:21: Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.” Yes, they’re enduring opposition and severe tests of faith. But they’ve not let themselves be conquered by it. Rather, they “keep conquering the evil with the good.” We truly love and respect these dear brothers and sisters. It’s interesting that as our brothers and sisters endure these hardships, they often have unique opportunities to share the good news. That was the case for dozens of Witnesses in the city of Birobidzhan, Russia. Back in 2018, officials raided 22 homes, all on the same day. As you watch the following video, notice how our brothers and sisters gave a good witness and maintained their joy. How did they “keep conquering the evil with the good”?
(Anastasiya Guzeva)
Anastasiya: Early in the morning of May 17, 2018, we were woken up by a loud knock on the door.
(Irina Lokhvitskaya)
Irina: Through the door, I asked, “Who’s there?” They said, “It’s the police.”
(Anna Lokhvitskaya)
Anna: Of course, we felt very stressed.
(Artur Lokhvitskaya)
Artur: Naturally, we started praying silently to Jehovah.
(Officer reads notebook)
Anastasiya: Later, we learned that this operation was given the name Judgment Day and that about 150 officers were involved.
(Officer searches through notebook. A laptop and several mobile phones)
(Yelena Reyno-Chernyshova)
Yelena: When a criminal case was initiated, all my accounts were frozen. I had to go to various banks. When the staff would see me coming through the door, they greeted me with, “Oh, ‘our little extremist’ has come” and gave me a friendly smile.
Anna: One of the times when I was going to the FSB for interrogation, I called a taxi. The taxi driver asked: What is this address? Where are you going?” I said, “It’s the FSB building.” He asked, “Are you going to work?” I said, “No, not to work; I’m going there for interrogation.” He couldn’t believe it. He got very confused. I was able to tell him that I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and that a criminal case had been initiated against me for my faith.
(Anna opens a taxi door)
A few days later, I went back to the FSB office and called another taxi. To my surprise, the same car arrived with the same driver. And on this trip, I was able to tell him in more detail which prophecies are recorded in the Bible on this subject, and we had a good conversation.
(Anna in taxi)
Irina: When we went for interrogations, we wanted to show the investigators by our behavior, words, and kindness that we are not extremists, that Jehovah’s Witnesses are kind, sympathetic people. At the end of the investigation, we decided to make them cards.
(Various art supplies on the table. Irena writes. She tucks the paper inside an origami shirt shaped card)
We tried to say nice things to everyone. We mentioned their good, kind points.
Artur: The lawyer said that he was very worried and added: I see that you are good people, and people like you shouldn’t be in prison. I’m sure that your God will help you but, please, Artur, do not deviate from this path. Stay firm to the end.”
Irena: When our trial began, we four sisters ended up before the same judge. She was very prejudiced and negative toward us.
(Irena sat in court, hands clasped and a face mask)
Anastasiya: She interrupted us, she pointed out that we’re uneducated, and she humiliated us in every possible way. And at some point, we wondered, ‘Jehovah brought us here to witness, but how can we witness to a person who won’t let us say anything?’
(Court exterior photos)
We decided to pray to Jehovah for him to soften her heart so that we might eventually give a good witness to her.
(Man in uniform exits court)
We also made an effort to be tactful and polite. We always greeted her.
Irena: I resolved to express kindness by my tone of voice, my words, and my face.
(Irena smiles outside court)
Anastasiya: And at one point, something happened. Things started to go completely differently. She started listening to us and greeting us. While we were watching the video recordings of our meetings in court, the judge was making notes. And then she asked, “Where did he read it from?” At first, out of fear, I couldn’t remember. Then I said, “From the Bible.” She said, “That’s obvious; but from where in the Bible did he read?” I told her, “From Job.” She said, “What?” I said, “Job.” She asked again, “What?” Now my lawyer said, “Job.” She said, “Oh, Job” and wrote it down. And I added, “42:10.”
Irena: When she read the verdict, she even asked several times, “Irina, am I pronouncing the name of God correctly?”
Anastasiya: I prayed to Jehovah, saying: Jehovah, today is the judgment. I want your name to be glorified today.” I said: Jehovah, please let the judge “pronounce your name correctly ten times and put the stress in the correct place,” because she had a problem with that. And what do you think? By the end of the judgment, she had pronounced God’s name correctly ten times!
(Anastasiya exits court. A boy gives her flowers)
Irena: When I was sentenced, I was met by many friends. There were a lot of people, and I was given a lot of flowers.
(Photo: Irena smiles holding many flowers)
A woman came up to me with two of her friends. Smiling, she asked me: Tell me, please, “what’s the occasion? You look so beautiful!” I smiled at her and said, “You know, I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I was given a two-and-a-half-year suspended sentence today.” She and her friends were smiling, and they just froze.
Anna: I work from home, so when my clients came and saw so many flowers, they asked: Where did they come from? What was the occasion?” And, of course, it gave me the opportunity to say that the “big occasion” is having such loving brothers and sisters.
Artur: Of the 23 brothers and sisters who were prosecuted, 4 were taken into custody and are now serving time in a penal colony.
(Photo of four brothers smiling. As brothers are transported in police van, group of friend’s waves and call out)
(Nataliya Kriger)
Nataliya: We found out that our husbands were going to be transported, so we went to the station to see them off.
Yelena: On the train they were asked, “Who were all the people who came to see you?” Some wondered if it was some kind of support group.
(Friends and the four brothers’ wave across the railway line)
The brothers were being taken to prison, yet this group was rejoicing and singing songs.
Artur: Looking back, I feel truly grateful, because it was not easy, but Jehovah sustained us throughout the trial.
(Friends with balloons hug)
Anna: But there was a moment when I felt that my faith was weakening, and I asked Artur, “Why don’t I feel supported?” And Artur helped me a lot. He said: That you,
(Artur holds Anna’s hand as she holds back tears)
That you are enduring, this is Jehovah’s support. “You have not renounced him. You have not forsaken him. And that tells you that he’s with you.
(Photo of happy couple outside court)
That brief thought strengthened my faith, and I realized that at that moment Satan was putting pressure on my faith
(Friends outside court. Photo of group with homemade heart banner)
and that I needed to strengthen my faith not only in Jehovah but also in Jehovah’s presence in difficult situations.
Anastasiya: Satan wants to steal our joy. But that’s impossible because joy belongs to Jehovah, he owns it. Then what does Satan do? He wants to hide this joy from us so that we don’t see it.
(Photo of Yelena outside court, holding many bunches of flowers)
But Jehovah, as a good, reliable Friend, has always helped us to see reasons for joy.
Yelena: They wanted to silence us so that we wouldn’t talk about Jehovah anymore. But in reality, they gave us even more opportunities to talk about God’s name.
(Text: Four brothers remain in a penal colony. They were given prison sentences ranging from three years and six months to six years and nine months. The remaining 19 brother and sisters received suspended sentences. They do not need to serve their sentences in a penal colony.)
Samuel F Herd: Don’t you just love their zeal and joy? They’re determined to keep preaching and to keep their integrity! They had unique opportunities to give a witness. And they relied on Jehovah to do so. Of course, we know that all of you brothers and sisters are facing challenges of one sort or another. I’m sure that hearing these experiences will encourage and motivate all of us to keep relying on Jehovah and to keep preaching, no matter what challenges we face. Yes, with Jehovah’s help, we can “keep conquering the evil with the good.” Brothers and sisters, let’s “keep in mind those in prison, as though (we) were (in prison) with them.” We’re so proud of all of you for your endurance and your zeal. We love you all very much. From the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, this is JW Broadcasting®.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2024 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)

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