Daily Text and Bible Reading: Sunday, June 30 [Press play below]
Press play below to hear today's Bible Chapters: Psalms 59 through 64
Examining the Scriptures Daily
Monday, June 30
He would speak to them from the pillar of cloud. Psalm 99.7.
Jehovah appointed Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and as visible evidence He provided a pillar of cloud by day and one of fire by night.
[Quotation] Exodus 13.21: Now Jehovah was going ahead of them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day and by night. [End Quotation]
Moses followed the pillar, which led him and the Israelites to the Red Sea. The people panicked when they thought that they were trapped between the sea and the pursuing Egyptian army. But it was no mistake. Jehovah had intentionally led his people there by means of Moses.
[Quotation] Exodus 14.2: “Tell the Israelites that they should turn back and encamp before Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, within view of Baal-zephon. You are to encamp facing it by the sea. [End Quotation]
God then delivered them in a most astonishing way.
[Quotation] Exodus 14.26 through 28: Then Jehovah said to Moses: “Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, their war chariots, and their cavalrymen.” 27 Moses at once stretched out his hand over the sea, and as morning approached, the sea returned to its normal condition. As the Egyptians fled from it, Jehovah shook the Egyptians off into the midst of the sea. 28 The returning waters covered the war chariots and the cavalrymen and all of Pharaoh’s army who had gone into the sea after them. Not so much as one among them was allowed to survive. [End Quotation]
For 40 years thereafter, Moses continued to depend on the pillar of cloud to guide God’s people through the wilderness.
[Quotation] Exodus 33.7: Now Moses took his tent and pitched it outside the camp, at some distance from the camp, and he called it a tent of meeting. Everyone inquiring of Jehovah would go out to the tent of meeting, which was outside the camp. [End Quotation]
[Quotation] Exodus 33.9 and 10: As soon as Moses would go into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stand at the entrance of the tent while God spoke with Moses. 10 When all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance of the tent, each of them rose and bowed down at the entrance of his own tent. [End Quotation]
From the pillar Jehovah spoke to Moses, who in turn conveyed His instructions to the people. The Israelites had ample evidence that Jehovah was using Moses to guide them.
Watchtower February 2024 page 21 paragraphs 4 and 5
Today's Bible Chapters: Psalms 59 through 64
To the director; set to “Do Not Bring to Ruin.” Of David. Miktam. When Saul sent men to watch David’s house to put him to death.
59.1 Rescue me from my enemies, O my God; Protect me from those rising up against me.
59.2 Rescue me from those who act wickedly, And save me from violent men.
59.3 Look! They wait to ambush me; Strong men attack me But not because I have revolted or sinned, O Jehovah.
59.4 Though I did no wrong, they run and prepare to attack. Do arise at my calling and see.
59.5 For you, O Jehovah God of armies, are the God of Israel. Awake to turn your attention to all the nations. Do not show mercy to any malicious traitors.
59.6 They return each evening; They growl like dogs and prowl around the city.
59.7 Look what pours forth from their mouth; Their lips are like swords, For they say: “Who is listening?”
59.8 But you, O Jehovah, will laugh at them; You will scoff at all the nations.
59.9 O my Strength, I will keep watch for you; For God is my secure refuge.
59.10 The God who shows loyal love to me will come to my aid; God will cause me to look in triumph on my foes.
59.11 Do not kill them, so that my people may not forget. By your power make them wander about; Cause their downfall, O Jehovah, our shield.
59.12 For the sin of their mouth, the word of their lips, May they be trapped by their pride, Because of the cursing and deception that they speak.
59.13 Finish them off in your wrath; Finish them off, so that they are no more; Make them know that God is ruling in Jacob and to the ends of the earth.
59.14 Let them return in the evening; Let them growl like dogs and prowl around the city.
59.15 Let them wander about for something to eat; Do not let them be satisfied or find a lodging place.
59.16 But as for me, I will sing about your strength; In the morning I will joyfully tell about your loyal love. For you are my secure refuge And a place for me to flee in my time of distress.
59.17 O my Strength, to you I will sing praises, For God is my secure refuge, the God who shows loyal love to me.
To the director; set to “The Lily of Reminder.” Miktam. Of David. For teaching. When he fought with Aram-naharaim and Aram-Zobah, and Joab returned and struck down 12,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
60.1 O God, you rejected us; you broke through our defenses. You were angry with us; but now accept us back!
60.2 You caused the earth to quake; you split it open. Repair its breaches, for it is falling.
60.3 You caused your people to suffer hardship. You made us drink wine that makes us stagger.
60.4 Give a signal to those fearing you To flee and dodge the bow.
60.5 So that your loved ones may be rescued, Save us with your right hand and answer us.
60.6 God has spoken in his holiness: “I will exult, I will give out Shechem as an inheritance, And I will measure off the Valley of Succoth.
60.7 Gilead belongs to me, as does Manasseh, And Ephraim is the helmet for my head; Judah is my commander’s staff.
60.8 Moab is my washbasin. Over Edom I will throw my sandal. Over Philistia I will shout in triumph.”
60.9 Who will bring me to the besieged city? Who will lead me as far as Edom?
60.10 Is it not you, O God, who have rejected us, Our God, who no longer goes out with our armies?
60.11 Help us in our distress, For salvation by humans is worthless.
60.12 By God we will gain power, And he will trample on our adversaries.
To the director; to be accompanied with stringed instruments. Of David.
61.1 Hear, O God, my cry for help. Do pay attention to my prayer.
61.2 From the ends of the earth I will cry out to you When my heart is in despair. Lead me onto a rock that is higher than I am.
61.3 For you are my refuge, A strong tower that protects me from the enemy.
61.4 I will be a guest in your tent forever; I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings.
61.5 For you, O God, have heard my vows. You have given me the inheritance belonging to those who fear your name.
61.6 You will add days to the life of the king, And his years will be from generation to generation.
61.7 He will sit enthroned forever before God; Grant him loyal love and faithfulness, so that these may safeguard him.
61.8 Then I will sing praises to your name forever As I pay my vows day after day.
To the director; of Jeduthun. A melody of David.
62.1 Indeed, I wait silently for God. My salvation comes from him.
62.2 Indeed, he is my rock and my salvation, my secure refuge; I will never be greatly shaken.
62.3 How long will you assault a man in order to murder him? All of you are as dangerous as a leaning wall, a stone wall ready to collapse.
62.4 For they consult together to topple him from his high position; They take pleasure in lying. With their mouth they bless, but inside they are cursing.
62.5 Indeed, I wait silently for God Because my hope comes from him.
62.6 Indeed, he is my rock and my salvation, my secure refuge; I will never be shaken.
62.7 Upon God depends my salvation and my glory. My strong rock, my refuge, is God.
62.8 Trust in him at all times, O people. Pour out your hearts before him. God is a refuge for us.
62.9 The sons of men are a mere breath, The sons of mankind are a delusion. When laid together on the scales, they are lighter than a mere breath.
62.10 Do not trust in extortion Or put false hopes in robbery. If your wealth increases, do not set your heart on it.
62.11 Once God has spoken, twice I have heard this: That strength belongs to God.
62.12 Also loyal love is yours, O Jehovah, For you repay each one according to his deeds.
A melody of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.
63.1 O God, you are my God, I keep looking for you. I do thirst for you. I am faint with longing for you In a dry and parched land, where there is no water.
63.2 So I have looked upon you in the holy place; I have seen your strength and your glory.
63.3 Because your loyal love is better than life, My own lips will glorify you.
63.4 Thus I will praise you all my life; In your name I will lift up my hands.
63.5 I am satisfied with the best and choicest portion, So my mouth will praise you with joy on my lips.
63.6 I remember you while upon my bed; I meditate on you during the watches of the night.
63.7 For you are my helper, And I shout joyfully in the shadow of your wings.
63.8 I cling to you; Your right hand keeps fast hold on me.
63.9 But those who seek to destroy my life Will descend into the depths of the earth.
63.10 They will be handed over to the power of the sword; They will become food for jackals.
63.11 But the king will rejoice in God. Every person swearing by Him will exult, For the mouth of those speaking lies will be silenced.
To the director. A melody of David.
64.1 Hear my voice, O God, as I plead. Safeguard my life from the dreadfulness of the enemy.
64.2 Shield me from the secret plots of wicked men, From the crowd of wrongdoers.
64.3 They sharpen their tongue just like a sword; They aim their cruel words like arrows,
64.4 To shoot at the innocent from their hiding places; They shoot at him suddenly, without fear.
64.5 They hold fast to their evil intent; They discuss how to hide their traps. They say: “Who will see them?”
64.6 They search out new ways of wrongdoing; They secretly devise their shrewd strategy; The thinking within each one’s heart is unfathomable.
64.7 But God will shoot at them; Suddenly they will be wounded by an arrow.
64.8 Their own tongue will cause their downfall; All those looking on will shake their head.
64.9 Then all men will become afraid, And they will proclaim what God has done, And they will have insight into his deeds.
64.10 The righteous one will rejoice in Jehovah and take refuge in him; All the upright in heart will exult.